Sound and transparent organizational management is an essential part of sustainable corporate activity.
At D-Quest Group (DQG), we support your company's compliance management by providing high-quality data, systems, training, and know-how for initiatives involving the risk management of people and organizations—something that is becoming increasingly important within the international community.

Whistleblowing System
DQ Helpline

A leader in whistleblowing system
Hotline services with global reach

Over 2,500 companies have introduced our DQ Helpline, a best-in-class whistleblowing service that pioneered the receipt of reports by a third party. We handle reports from around the world via our global networks as we help you manage your company's compliance.


DQ Investigation

The only ACFE-certified investigative agency in Japan

DQ's Investigation network offers comprehensive investigations of individuals and organizations anywhere in the world, including Background Check Services and Due Diligence, in order to help strengthen our clients' compliance system. We also offer a wide range of research services of Counterfeit Products Check Services and competitive researches.


Anti-Fraud Training

We are the only company in Japan to acquire a license from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), the world's largest anti-fraud organization with about 200 branches and over 91,000 members globally.

DQG has entered into an exclusive licensing agreement with the ACFE, which offers world-class training related to anti-fraud. We help you prevent fraud — the greatest of corporate risks — and detect it in its earliest stages.


IP Research
InterMark, Inc.

Fast and complete services via a trademark database and experts in intellectual-property research

Our experienced investigators utilize the InterMark database (which makes even difficult research possible) and other resources to provide high-quality research into design trademarks, trademark usage, global investigations that leverage the DQG's global network, and other research related to intellectual property.


Global Strategy
DQ Europe

DQ Europe (established in October 2018) is the beginning of a global expansion built on the know-how cultivated by DQG

D-Quest Europe was established in October 2018 in the German city of Frankfurt to allow us to support companies operating around the world. The global expansion of our risk-management services for stakeholders is built on our accumulated know-how. Moving forward, we plan to continue expanding our network beyond DQ Europe to the rest of the world.