Since its inception, DQG has consistently advanced its business under a global framework. We've built a network connecting Japan and the rest of the world, and through it we offer services and information that cannot be replicated by others. Continuing to accelerate these efforts, in October 2018 we established our subsidiary DQ Europe in Frankfurt, Germany.
As we move forward, we shall further expand into the United States and Asia as we extend the concept of risk-management for stakeholders worldwide.
Global Strategy
DQ Europe
Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Deutschland (Germany)
where DQ Europe located
DQ Global Strategy
DQ Group's network of law firms
The addition of DQ Europe allowed us to further scale up DQ's global services even more. For example, we can now use DQ Europe as a sort of control tower to establish reporting hotlines and provide operations that comply with the GDPR and the various national laws found in Europe. And to expand the high level of services offered by DQ Europe to the United States and countries in Asia, we've reinforced our alliance with law offices in those nations. This network of law offices spanning the globe enables us to offer a quality of service that simply can't be attained by other companies. We provide the highest cost-performance available.

DQ Offices | Japan; Germany (D-Quest Europe GmbH); D-Quest America Office |
Partner Law Offices |
Asia & Oceania
South Korea (AURUM Lawfirm)
China (CO-EFFORT LAW FIRM LLP) Hong Kong (Zhong Lun FLO) Taiwan (Formosa Transnational Attorneys At Law) Philippines (V&A Law Center) Indonesia (Dentons HPRP) Australia (Thynne + Macartney) Vietnam (A-PAC International) United Arab Emirates (King & Wood Mallesons (MENA) LLP) Europe
France (Franklin Law Firm)
England (Atsumi & Sakai Europe Limited) Italy (CBA) The Americas
USA (Porter Hedges LLP)
Canada (Hazlo Law Professional Corporation) Mexico (Bello, Gallardo, Bonequi y García, S.C.) Brazil (Freitas Leite Advogados) Dominican Republic (PRIETO CABRERA & ASOCIADOS) |
Server Locations | Japan, France, United States |
DQ Europe
DQ Europe was established in October 2018 in the German city of Frankfurt. It offers tools, systems, and consulting services for handling complex and sophisticated data in accordance with the GDPR and national laws.
D-Quest Europe GmbH
Opern Turm 13F, Bockenheimer Landstraße 2-4, 60306 Frankfurt am Main
Deutschland / Germany
Opern Turm 13F, Bockenheimer Landstraße 2-4, 60306 Frankfurt am Main
Deutschland / Germany

DQ Europe Representative
Frank Becker
Attorney at Law Admitted in Germany
Previously, the word “whistleblowing” has not been recognised well in Europe. The global trend, however, is a rapid progression in the implementation of whistleblowing systems. Currently, the International Organization for Standardisation is developing guidelines for whistleblowing management systems; they aim to finish the guidelines by the end of 2020. Furthermore, the EU's “Whistleblowing Directive”, proposed by the European Commission, was adopted in April 2019 by the European Parliament. Within two years, a new law to strengthen whistleblower protection will become effective across the EU. It is said, therefore, that EU citizens are likely to become more and more aware of their own responsibilities in term of compliance.
At such a time, D-Quest Europe GmbH will have just started to grow as external reassuring support for local companies and subsidiaries of Japanese companies in the EU. Under the circumstances described above, it is D-Quest Europe's task to gain the European people's understanding of the importance of whistleblowing. I believe that D-Quest Europe will see a lot of positive reaction from global and local players on its whistleblowing service in the near future.
At such a time, D-Quest Europe GmbH will have just started to grow as external reassuring support for local companies and subsidiaries of Japanese companies in the EU. Under the circumstances described above, it is D-Quest Europe's task to gain the European people's understanding of the importance of whistleblowing. I believe that D-Quest Europe will see a lot of positive reaction from global and local players on its whistleblowing service in the near future.